J’ai réalisé une rhinoplastie en juin 2014. Je ne sais pas trop quoi dire hormis le fait que, vraiment, tout s’est super bien passé, franchement ce n’était pas horrible :)
Je recommande cette opération à tous...
En savoir plusQuoi de neuf ? Informez la communauté de vos avancées
Je vais écrire en anglais, mais n'hésitez pas à me poser des question en français.
Like several others, Dr Duron was recommended to me by another plastic surgeon. In any field, having the respect and acclaim of one's peers is the surest sign of excellence. And he did not disappoint.
Ever since I can remember, I had had problems breathing through my nose, likely as a result of having broken it some time in the distant past. To be honest, the thought of breathing properly concerned me more than straightening my somewhat large, crooked and awkward nose. Then again, if I were going to suffer through the pain and expense of fixing one problem, there was no reason not to have everything treated.
After the first consultation, I left the office with the strange realisation that I had never really seen my own nose before Dr Duron pointed it out to me. Now, writing this review, two months after the operation, I see now that Dr Duron under promised and over delivered in all areas.
A quick back-of-the-envelope calculation suggests that the money I'll save on Xylometazoline will, some day, have paid for about half the cost of my rhinoplasty. My only regret is that I hadn't had my nose fixed half a lifetime ago.
And one little point that I hope will help people in choosing a surgeon: look at the reviews AND at those who have written them. Nearly every patient (meaning those who have actually undergone an operation by Dr Duron) has weighed in with a glowing five-star review, praising not simply the results but the manner in which he was treated. The remaining reviews give every indication of having been written by people who simply cannot be pleased (as a quick glance of their other reviews tends to confirm).
There are several points that I would like to add to that review.
First, my surgery was on December 21st, 2018, and it was only just recently that I got around to posting a review on Google. At that time, I wanted to draw people's attention to the (very) few negative reviews that existed. But somehow in the brief period since that post, the number of reviews has doubled. Fourteen of the (currently) fifty five reviews were written in the past 24 hours alone. All thirteen of the 1-star reviews date from the past two weeks. Was Dr Duron running some kind of end-of-winter promotion? Buy one rhinoplasty and get a second one free? The poor man is obviously being attacked.
Second, I wanted to write a review here because this site seems to be the reference for aesthetic surgery, at least in France. And it was here that I first started my own researches. Still, as much as this site contains solid information, and lists many interesting individual experiences, I found that I simply could not pick a surgeon with any confidence: someone is ALWAYS displeased. In the end, I made a choice but without much enthusiasm. But I was lucky. The doctor I meet (whose name I will not reveal) said that she no longer performed this sort of procedure. Reading between the lines, it sounded as if she had lived through a bad experience. She did, however, point me in the direction of the man she said was "le top", namely Dr Duron. As I was writing my original review, I read what the other patients had to say about him, and I couldn't help but remark how many of these people went to Dr Duron based on the advice of other medical professionals. If only I could get more of that in my life, where chefs insist I not eat at their restaurants but send me to the place where they REALLY know how to cook, and auto mechanics admit they cannot fix my car, but know the man who can.
I've uploaded a few photos so that people know I'm for real. The first two were taken by Dr Duron himself, showing me as I was, along with the sort of results he hoped to achieve. The last dates from this January, not one month after the procedure. Obviously, there was still considerable swelling. Even today, the tip of my nose is numb, and I know that I still have several months to go before most of the swelling will have subsided. But even if I simply kept what I now have, I'd be completely satisfied.
I didn't need Dr Duron to change my life--I was comfortable with who I was. But I am breathing more easily now, and that has made for a real improvement in the quality of my life. That's not just every day, but, quite literally, with every breath I take. And I think that I look better, and, as you know, we all want to be beautiful. The modelling agencies have yet to come calling, but maybe in another couple of months...
If you have any question, même en français, fire away!
Cette histoire vous a plu ? Racontez-nous la vôtre ici !
J’ai réalisé une rhinoplastie en juin 2014. Je ne sais pas trop quoi dire hormis le fait que, vraiment, tout s’est super bien passé, franchement ce n’était pas horrible :)
Je recommande cette opération à tous...
En savoir plusJ’ai été opérée par le Dr. Derder le 25 avril, pour une rhinoseptoplastie. Ayant une déviation de la cloison nasale et une fracture des OPN,...
En savoir plusBonjour, voici quelques semaines que je me suis faites opérer pour une rhinoplastie. Pensant que le chirurgien avait entendu ma demande je lui...
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