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2 août 2023 · Actualisation : 9 oct. 2023

Complete gum graft

Vaut la peine
Second full-arch gum graft with Dr Redissi in order to treat fairly advanced gum recessions for my age. I’m absolutely satisfied with the result both regarding its aesthetics and its health benefits – those two full-arch gum grafts saved my teeth! Dr Redissi is a trustworthy, patient-oriented and highly competent practitioner – and a considerate person at that. You may go to him with complete confidence.

Second full-arch gum graft with Dr Redissi in order to treat fairly advanced gum recessions for my age. I’m absolutely satisfied with the result both regarding its aesthetics and its health benefits – those two full-arch gum grafts saved my teeth! Dr Redissi is a trustworthy, patient-oriented and highly competent practitioner – and a considerate person at that. You may go to him with complete confidence.


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